Saturday, May 23, 2015

Skin Cleanser soap

Skin Doctor Facial Cleanser
This Cleansener is a very efffective prodcut to clean the pores and also helps in removing the black spots.
Upon using this cleansner the skin will remain very smooth and soft. This nice smooth sensation can be felt throughout the day.

 Product Highlights:-     
The Facial Cleansner contains crushed apricot seeds that is very helpful in keeping the face black heads free and also helps in stimulation of fresh cell growth.
The natural extracts assits in keeping the skin free of various types of bacterias and other threats that can damage the skin. This can also help in keeping the skin soft and refreshing.
 How to use:    
Use the cleansner twice daily after washing the face with clean water.
For best results use it each time after coming from outside/pollution.

We Can Help! Phone: +91 9885401166 | +91 9985701166
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