Saturday, May 23, 2015

Classic White Twin Whitening Soap

Description:Classic White incorporates the splendor of skin whitening intro a beauty soap. Bathing with Classic White not only lightens and complexion, and skin-whitening formula but also rejuvenates the skin with its nourishing vitamins.
Classic White-Twin Whitening System is a fairness soap that contains "Dermalite"- a specially formulated extract developed under supervision of INSTITUT SOCIETE GENERALE R&D Laboratories. Classic White works on a twin whitening system.
Classic White works on a twin whitening system. Immediate skin Lightening is caused through micronized minute-beta sisterol. Long-term skin whitening is achieved through Dermalite; a unique bio-herbal extract consisting of powerful anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins that whitens skin.
Ingredients:Classic White-Twin Whitening System is a fairness soap that contains "Derma lite"- a specially formulated extract developed under supervision of INSTITUTE SOCIETE GENERALE R&D Laboratories, France. Derma lite contains a highly concentrated standardized songyi mushroom extract, hexyl nicotinate,Titanium dioxide, vitamin C phosphate, Tyrosine peptides and calcium lactate. Classic White works on a twin whitening system. Immediate skin Lightening is caused through micronized minute-beta sisterol. Long-term skin whitening is achieved through Derma lite; a unique bio-herbal extract consisting of powerful anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins that whitens skin.
Directions:Use Classic White Soap Two times a day in the morning and evening. Being by gently lathering the face and the whole body for 3 minutes or more. Gently Scrub and Massage the lather covering all areas of the body which includes the Face, Neck, Arms, Abdomen,Thighs and legs . Use extra lather on Problematic dark areas of your skin After 3 minutes or more, gently rinse or shower the lathered area with water It is Important to note that the longer you lather the skin, the better and more efficient the desired result In 2-4 weeks of repeated use as per directions specified, you will notice a marked difference in color and tone of your skin. Continue using Classic White for long term skin whiting.

We Can Help! Phone: +91 9885401166 | +91 9985701166
For More Details Please Visit:
Price: 399/-


  1. iam using this soap but not any results

  2. He papaya whitening soap works with the aid of eliminating dirt and lifeless pores and skin cells to show clean new and lighter pores and skin.

  3. Is this soap good for stretch marks

  4. When the results it's come after it using
